Friday, 12 April 2013

Another Little Side Project Complete!

Not long after waking up this morning, did I find that the postman had delivered my new DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor. Obviously, the first thing I did was try to get that working. First I tried it with the Arduino, and got it to report the temperature and humidity over it's serial interface. (The numbers do change really ;) )

After playing about with that, I plugged my 16x2 LCD in too, and after a bit of code playing and experimentation, got this.

This simply reads the current temperature and humidity off of the sensor, stores it in a variable, prints to the LCD, and goes round again. You can get the degrees symbol fairy easily but for now, I haven't bothered. It is currently sitting next to my desk, updating the current info about every 1/2 a second to 1 second.

You can guess the next plan for this sensor... Getting it to data log on the Pi for me ;)

If you want the code and a brief simple wiring guide, grab it off my GitHub here: 


Tuesday, 9 April 2013

A Side Note: The Arduino Came!

I ordered an Arduino Uno from CPC a few days ago and it came late yesterday afternoon with UPS. It is fantastic  It has 14 digital I/O on it, so it can drive the cube easily.

The box was much smaller than I expected...

And a picture of the actual thing itself connected to the computer and the cube.

But my favorite part by far was the fact it came with these...

Thats right, stickers! :D

See it in action.
