After spending an entire afternoon scouring the internet last week for a method of live control over the GPIO, I found that some amazing person had written a little app using Node.js for a similar project (link to her GitHub code There are no instructions with the code so it was very much fiddle and guess but I got it all working in the end, with the exception of a broken motor driver board, and after blowing up 4 D cell batteries by accident.
The main chassis has hardly changed, but I now have the first track prototype on, its a bit hit and miss as it's covered in electrical tape at the moment and the track doesn't stay in the wheels just yet as I haven't cut the rubber to size in case this just doesn't work.
So all in all things are getting underway. As some side projects, I am still trying to get my LCD screens to work over I2C but there's a chip and code issue to sort out somewhere. The LED cube board is built onto a board now which is good but I need to get an Arduino to drive it, and in the future, a custom built board with a ATMega chip on it (same as on the Arduino).
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