Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Adafruit NeoPixel Ring

The NeoPixel ring I ordered in the Pimoroni sale came this morning, and oh, I love it. We love LEDs here at Raspberry Pi Projects and this is certainly one of our favourites! Adafruit do a great tutorial on how to use their library over at http://goo.gl/lK5CqX .

First program I did with it was make a single pixel 'run' around the ring, then modified this to make the 'on' pixel a random colour. After this one got a little boring to watch (not too boring, you can never get that bored with LEDs ;) ) I made the whole ring turn on with each pixel again being randomly coloured, and change every 100ms. This was preeetty cool!

Now, while I'm writing this up, it's running a ring chase program with the chase LED being orange and the others being blue.

Had to switch the camera to manual to get this pictured!

(Check out the video! http://youtu.be/bGtcuBwdITg it isn't too good, the FPS of the NeoRing was too high for the camera..)



  1. Are you using a Raspi or Arduino?

  2. For this: Arduino. You can't really provide the strict timing signal for these off of a Pi so you'd need to use a cheaper Arduino (or similar Adafruit boards) connected via serial to the Pi to use the NeoPixels from a Pi.

    I know this is named as a Raspberry Pi blog but due to having less spare time, it is turning a bit more into "The life of a tech nerd" sort of blog for now. Time dependant, I'm trying to put more Pi content here and have lots of Pi content planned for this year! :D


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